Full list of features:

- Syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, PHP, SQL, LaTeX, C/C++, Java, Python languages 
- Web pages preview in the internal viewer.
- Autocompletion for HTML tags and attributes including user created class names and Ids
- Autocompletion for JavaScript objects, variables and functions 
- Autocompletion for CSS selectors, rules and attributes 
- Autocompletion for Bootstrap and AngularJS classes and attributes 
- Autocompletion for jQuery functions and selectors 
- Autocompletion for keywords and standard library functions for C/C++ and Python languages 
- Autocompletion for LaTeX commands.
- Downloading files from the FTP server
- Uploading files to the FTP server
- Browse directories on the FTP server
- Bottom toolbar with most used characters and cursor controls. 
- Search and replace, using regular expressions 
- Unlimited undo 
- Different codepages support 
- Line numbering 
- Copy/paste 
- Several opened files at the same time
- JavaScript error console in the internal viewer
- Hardware keyboard support 
- Font size settings

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Shahzada Husnain

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